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Your light space for deep

Welcome! Since 2004 I have been working as a spiritual medium worldwide and serve as a channel for loving frequencies from higher dimensions. As a kinesiologist, angel medium and consultant I offer clear guidance, rapid transformation and encourage my clients to open their hearts. LOVE IS THE KEY!

Q & A - The Angelic Planes and the Spiritual World:
A Source of Love in Challenging Times

We live in a time full of change and challenges. Political tensions, social changes and natural disasters challenge us on many levels. More and more people are looking for orientation and turning to spiritual paths to find meaning, healing and inner peace. A special opportunity for this is offered by the Angel Medium Healer training, which creates a deep connection to the angelic and spiritual world and supports us in all situations in life with love, wisdom and healing.

The training at the House of Angels is more than a course - it is a journey to the source of love, to your own destiny and a chance to bring light and healing into the world. Those who choose this path consciously decide to change something - for themselves and for others. In the connection to the spiritual world we find comfort, healing and the certainty of being surrounded and protected by light-filled forces. Here are some answers...

What are angels and archangels?

Angels are spiritual beings who have been considered protectors and helpers of humanity for thousands of years in various religious and spiritual traditions. They are manifestations of divine love and serve as messengers between the divine source and us humans. Archangels, on the other hand, embody a particularly high form of energy within the angelic world that communicates directly with the human world. Their tasks are to inspire, guide and protect us humans. Archangel Michael, for example, is often portrayed as a protector, while Archangel Raphael brings healing. The connection to angels and archangels enables us to benefit from this power and love and to experience inner transformation.

What is the spiritual world and where is it located?

The spirit world is a dimension of pure consciousness that exists beyond our physical perception and is the source of divine wisdom and love. It is not a "place" in the physical sense, but a realm of subtle energy where angels, archangels, saints and masters dwell. These beings have no physical body and exist in a reality beyond matter. Through spiritual practices and a trained consciousness, we can learn to connect with this world and bring its support into our lives.

Communication with the spiritual world: What does it achieve?

Communication with the spiritual world changes life in a profound way. It helps to reduce fears, overcome life crises, and find trust and inner strength. Angels, archangels and other luminous beings give us courage, clarity and access to higher truths. This communication not only promotes personal growth, but also allows us to support other people with empathy and wisdom.

Why is the connection to the spiritual world important?

At a time when many people are suffering from stress, anxiety and feelings of isolation, the spiritual world offers a loving space of security and comfort. Angels and other luminous beings can guide us on our path through life, give us strength and inspiration and support healing processes. The connection to the spiritual world strengthens our trust and lets us realize that we are never alone. Becoming an angel medium means making yourself available as a channel for this healing energy and helping other people to connect with the source as well.

Mediums, Healers and Shamans: Access to the Spiritual World

People with a special sensitivity, such as mediums, healers or shamans, have the ability to move to a higher level of consciousness and perceive the spiritual world. A medium is someone who serves as a channel between the physical and spiritual world. The ability to receive messages from angels or the deceased is a valuable gift that requires a lot of responsibility and empathy and can alleviate the suffering of people and animals on earth. Healers use their connection to the spiritual world to transmit energies that can promote well-being and healing on a mental and physical level. A shaman, on the other hand, has a deep knowledge of spiritual rituals and the forces of nature, which he brings into the healing process.

The difference between the plane of light and the planes of darkness and manipulation

Not all spiritual planes are full of love and light. In the spiritual world, people often talk about dark consciousness and dark forces. The light plane is the dimension in which angels, archangels and other light-filled beings are located. Pure love, compassion and a supportive, healing energy prevail here. Dark planes, on the other hand, are areas in which manipulation, fear, the need for control and deception prevail. These forces try to keep people in lower vibrations such as fear and dependence. This is actually their job, also created by the divine source. An angel medium healer learns to differentiate between these planes and to consciously choose the light energy. This is an essential part of the training, because only those who master this distinction can serve as a pure channel for divine love and healing.

Why train to become an angel medium, healer or magician?

The decision to become an angel medium healer is a calling that comes from deep within the heart. This training at the House of Angels provides comprehensive knowledge of the angel world, the techniques of media communication and the skills to direct energies and bring healing. Through the connection to the spiritual world, the angel medium healer can use the healing and transformative power of the angels specifically for others. The training offers participants the opportunity not only to heal and understand their own life processes, but also to become a beacon for others who are also looking for love and healing. Training to become an angel medium healer opens the heart to the infinite love and wisdom of the angel world and allows us to go through all of life's challenges with the power of the spiritual world. It is extremely satisfying to help reduce suffering on earth.

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